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family court

Timothy P. Flynn

Gaslighting and Divorce

Many a divorcing spouse has attempted to psychologically destabilize the other spouse. Gaslighting is perhaps the most common example of this abusive conduct. How do you know if you are being gaslit by your spouse?
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Clarkston Legal

California Sober and Michigan Courts

Some addiction recovery therapists are endorsing a new form of sobriety known as "California Sober". This approach to sobriety involves moderate therapeutic use of marijuana and mushrooms. What are the risks of this Cali-style approach to long-term sobriety.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Family Court Judge Murdered Over Custody Ruling

Family court judges are faced with making tough decisions every day. Because they take jurisdiction over litigants' children, they are exposed to ridicule, harm, even death. This post examines a case involving the murder of a judge at the hands of a litigant who lost custody of his children
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Timothy P. Flynn

Personal Injury Settlements and Divorce

When a party to a divorce has a pending personal injury settlement, the proceeds can be treated as marital property subject to division. Divorce litigants must take care to properly structure their injury settlement.
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Clarkston Legal

Child Custody Battles of the Rich and Famous

Family court judges often decide the custody disputes of unwed couples. When the couple is famous, the custody decision gets a lot of attention. Exhibit A: Elon Musk's three children with Claire Boucher.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Enforcing the Divorce Property Settlement Via Receivership

Former President Trump's damages trial in the New York civil fraud case has put the enforcement tool of receiverships in the daily lexicon. As Trump's damages trial gets cranked up this week, we examine the use of this tool in the family court context to enforce a divorce property settlement.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Domestic Violence and the Right to Bear Arms

The SCOTUS has agreed to take a look at a case that pits government requlation of firearms against an individual's right to bear arms. Does it matter that the individual in question is under a civil restraining order.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Marijuana and Parenting Time

When a parent has a valid medical marijuana certification, a family court cannot condition that parent's parenting time on clean drug screens. We have seen both sides of this coin in the family courts.
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