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Law Blog

Clarkston Legal

Divorce and Retirement

Married couples sometimes contemplate divorce as they approach retirement. This post provides commentary on some of the principal issues.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Gaslighting and Divorce

Many a divorcing spouse has attempted to psychologically destabilize the other spouse. Gaslighting is perhaps the most common example of this abusive conduct. How do you know if you are being gaslit by your spouse?
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Clarkston Legal

California Sober and Michigan Courts

Some addiction recovery therapists are endorsing a new form of sobriety known as "California Sober". This approach to sobriety involves moderate therapeutic use of marijuana and mushrooms. What are the risks of this Cali-style approach to long-term sobriety.
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Clarkston Legal

Alimony in Gross

Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be ordered by a family court judge. This post examines the legal concept of "alimony in gross" and looks at a recent appellate decision addressing this concept.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Why Student Athletes Need Estate Plans

With the onset of NIL, alumni donor collectives, and their attendant regulations, elite student athletes now need estate plans. This post examines these recent legal changes in what once was considered amateur athletics.
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