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Clarkston Legal

Divorce and Retirement

Married couples sometimes contemplate divorce as they approach retirement. This post provides commentary on some of the principal issues.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Gaslighting and Divorce

Many a divorcing spouse has attempted to psychologically destabilize the other spouse. Gaslighting is perhaps the most common example of this abusive conduct. How do you know if you are being gaslit by your spouse?
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Clarkston Legal

Alimony in Gross

Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be ordered by a family court judge. This post examines the legal concept of "alimony in gross" and looks at a recent appellate decision addressing this concept.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Digital Domestic Abuse and Car Apps

With the expansion of the "Internet of Things", car apps have been weaponized by digital domestic abusers. Car apps are another tool that creates the impression for the victim that they are not even in control of their own vehicle.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Personal Injury Settlements and Divorce

When a party to a divorce has a pending personal injury settlement, the proceeds can be treated as marital property subject to division. Divorce litigants must take care to properly structure their injury settlement.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Enforcing the Divorce Property Settlement Via Receivership

Former President Trump's damages trial in the New York civil fraud case has put the enforcement tool of receiverships in the daily lexicon. As Trump's damages trial gets cranked up this week, we examine the use of this tool in the family court context to enforce a divorce property settlement.
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Timothy P. Flynn

How to Avoid a High-Conflict Divorce

Divorces are stressful but a high-conflict divorce can be torturous and brutally expensive. This post explores techniques to keep the temperature down in your divorce proceeding.
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Timothy P. Flynn

Prenuptial Agreements and Divorce

Prenuptial agreements are often thought to protect a wealthy sutor's assets. Given some recent changes in Michigan law, can wealthy individuals truly protect their assets in the event of a long-term marriage.
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